First outing for my new Seat Box.
Back down to Monk Lakes again today, with Maria going out with a friend for a bit of early Christmas shopping it seemed as good an excuse as any to give a new purchase a 1st outing and see if I was comfortable using it.
Yes my faithful Boss 6 draw box has been retired from service and the new bit of kit that’s taking it’s place is a Platt-forms Series3 Tuff box……….
![PlattFormseries3pic2.jpg picture by pnm123](
Anyway arriving after a leisurely drive down a chat with Ron while purchasing my ticket revealed that once again there were no Saturday matches on so I could take my pick of swims on the match lakes.
With it being quite mild (12°C) and overcast I thought I might have a bit of a practice on Lake1 for the upcoming MD’s Fur & Feather match however it soon became obvious that the wind was pretty horrendous so I drove down to Lake2 which offers a little bit of shelter as it sits lower than the other 3 match lakes. Peg45 was occupied by a father and son so I set up on Peg47 to give them a bit of space.
![peg47.jpg picture by pnm123](
I was going to keep things very simple today, just a top 3 with a rig set up for dead depth (about 4ft) , a couple of pints of red maggots for bait and some pellets for feed.
A couple of handfuls of pellet into the swim followed by a pinch of maggots followed by the rig produced almost instantly, however it was just a razorblade of a skimmer this was followed by a couple of Gudgeon and a micro Carp, but these were then followed by this fella…………….
![swan3.jpg picture by pnm123](
who proceeded to upend himself in a determined attempt to get at the feed he had obviously seen me putting in. Not content with that he decided it was bath time, thrashing around getting himself soaking wet and then just sitting there preening himself.
However whilst all this had been going on the father & son on Peg 45 had decided to move over onto Lake 4, so not being one to miss an opportunity I quickly moved my kit over leaving Mr Swan to his ablutions. A quick re-plumb and I was set, I decided against feeding pellets as I felt the sound of the splash was what had attracted the swan, settling for just flicking out a pinch of maggot.
Now at this point I would like to say just how hard I fished, putting on a true piscatorial master class, chopping and changing with lots of tiny alterations just to keep the fish coming, but that would be a total lie. The truth of the matter is that it turned into one of those easy days fishing where it all goes right. A pinch of maggot, drop the rig in, watch it settle and 15-20seconds later watch the float slide under and the black hydro come out in reaction to the strike then net the fish. A mix of Barbel
![Barbel.jpg picture by pnm123](
Skimmers, Tench, Carp (both Mirrors and Commons) Chub and quite an large percentage of Ide
![Ide2.jpg picture by pnm123](
a fish that I’ve not caught in any quantity before from Lake2, and not forgetting of course a number of F1′s……
![F1b-1.jpg picture by pnm123](
Monks really should be regarded as the home of the F1 given that Simon who owns the complex originally developed F1′s on the adjacent Riverfield Fish Farm.
By 3pm I’d had 250 fish and with the clouds threatening rain I packed up (well I wouldn’t have wanted to get the new box wet first time out would I?) What about the box? well the seat is probably the most comfortable I’ve spent 6 hours on, but Ill post a full review of the box later.
So that was it for the day, Far better than being dragged round the shops by Maria, and if Lake 1 fishes anywhere near as well on the 15th December we should be in for a good day, We’ll see.
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